September 23, 2011

fun fact..

nak taw x advantage org yg ade penyakit asthma?
asthma nie sejenis penyakit masalah pernafasan..
asthma dy ade dua jenis ;- congenital and environmental factors..

okay,aku malas nak cerita pasal effects of asthma..coz banyak n t kesian pulak org yg asthma bace..t depress pulak..kite citer yg baek ea skrg nie..

bile patient asthma nie kena attack, otak kite akan keluarkan satu chemical substance yg boleh stimulate kan dha kite..that's why kebanyakan org yg asthma nie pandai2..hehe..
ade senior aku dapat wat advance medical science kat harvard..dy pun ade asthma..
kawan aku yg ade asthma pun pandai2..cepat tangkap ape yg cikgu ajar..

fakta nie lecturer microbiology aku yg bgtaw..
dy wat research on asthma..
lecturer aku pun ade asthma jugak dulu..
so,to readers yg ade asthma,jangan la rendah diri confident okay ;P

erm,fun kan fact nie? hehehee..

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