hello bloggers..
baru nak update blog after thousand years i didnt open my blog..
waka waka ehh ehh..haha..
when you are in clinical years,ur world becoming haywire for a moment..
just for a moment? nope,i guess not! and yes,for me it is totally not just a moment..wuaaa...
still cannot get the right way how to study in clinical years..plus i'm a lazyyy girl..haha..x boleh nak buat apa lah kan kalau ada malas membuak buak dalam diri..salah siapaa?? < 5 jari tunding diri sendiri >
this year,my family celebrate eidul adha at malacca..
kitorang tak balik kelantan pun sebab one of my brother ada final exam di kolej matrikulasi melaka..
ermm,kat rumah pun bukannya study budak nie..tidoo je banyak..hempukss karangg..
anywayy,eid mubarak to all Muslims :D
kih3..photography session di pagi raya..hanya kami verdua.peace :P
October 26, 2012
August 8, 2012
pemimpin keluarga :)
hye bloggers..
sekarang aku berada di telok intan..
posting at hospital sg buloh for 2 weeks..
seriously,for the first time i heard our group will be posting here, happy gilaa..
kononnya akan dapat ramai patient, nurse kat sana baik2, dapat conduct delivery..
but,it seems not so easy when you reached here..
firstly,telok intan nie adalah rural place..so,the facilities at the hospital pun xdela sebagus sg buloh..so kena redha jela dgn ward, labour room, n perpustakaan mini dia tu..
secondly, student ukm year 5 pun posting kat sini jugekk..so ada competition la nyahh...
thirdly, x semua nurse yg baik..ada jugak yg sombong..i asked them nicely but they answered by arrogantly...haii..selamat bulan puasa,kalau x adegan jeling menjeling akan bermula rasanya..
tp satu lah houseman kat sana baik sangat..sangat! dear houseman at sg buloh especially malay houseman,tolonglah malu sikit dgn bangsa laen..houseman cina and india x kekok ilmu langsung and ajar kitorg mcm2..sangat baik n x kedekut ilmu..
ini sesama melayu,pandang medical students mcm kitorg nie pun x nak..kononnya kau hebat la..tolonglah..saling tolong menolong lah...siapa lagi nak memajukan n menaikkan bangsa melayu yg dah memang merangkak dr segenap aspek kalau x kita sendiri..ye dakk...hehehe..mintak mintak lah dr luthfi n dr wana sg buloh baca blog akuu...hahaha...post nie mmh ditujukan khas utk mereka pun..haha..
now,i've been at telok intan for 5 days alreadyy...tonight baru berkesempatan nak solat terawikh kat sini..sebelum nie, busy dgn kelas..mlm2 ada kelas jgk..td solat terawikh dgn akak2 n abg2 year 5..
ya Allah,suara imam abg year 5 td sangat2 sedap..mendayu2..mcm imam masjid besar dah..
haishh,bila fikir fikir..memang kita as a perempuan nak cari bakal suami yg mcm nie..boleh memimpin kita..boleh jadi pemimpin keluarga..
siapa yg x nak kan..
tp org2 yg baik mcm nie,nak ke kat aku nie...hahaha..
xpelah..wish my amsyar will be someone like 'imam' one day..
that's my hope..doa yg penting..mana tahu Allah buka pintu hati dia..tibe2 jd imam masjid mana2 kan..haha..
barulah terbitnya keluarga bahgia..aaa...aaa.. ( tibe2 nyanyi lagu saujana )

( bajet retiss yg x tahu dirinya tidak laku langsung di pasaran )
sekarang aku berada di telok intan..
posting at hospital sg buloh for 2 weeks..
seriously,for the first time i heard our group will be posting here, happy gilaa..
kononnya akan dapat ramai patient, nurse kat sana baik2, dapat conduct delivery..
but,it seems not so easy when you reached here..
firstly,telok intan nie adalah rural place..so,the facilities at the hospital pun xdela sebagus sg buloh..so kena redha jela dgn ward, labour room, n perpustakaan mini dia tu..
secondly, student ukm year 5 pun posting kat sini jugekk..so ada competition la nyahh...
thirdly, x semua nurse yg baik..ada jugak yg sombong..i asked them nicely but they answered by arrogantly...haii..selamat bulan puasa,kalau x adegan jeling menjeling akan bermula rasanya..
tp satu lah houseman kat sana baik sangat..sangat! dear houseman at sg buloh especially malay houseman,tolonglah malu sikit dgn bangsa laen..houseman cina and india x kekok ilmu langsung and ajar kitorg mcm2..sangat baik n x kedekut ilmu..
ini sesama melayu,pandang medical students mcm kitorg nie pun x nak..kononnya kau hebat la..tolonglah..saling tolong menolong lah...siapa lagi nak memajukan n menaikkan bangsa melayu yg dah memang merangkak dr segenap aspek kalau x kita sendiri..ye dakk...hehehe..mintak mintak lah dr luthfi n dr wana sg buloh baca blog akuu...hahaha...post nie mmh ditujukan khas utk mereka pun..haha..
now,i've been at telok intan for 5 days alreadyy...tonight baru berkesempatan nak solat terawikh kat sini..sebelum nie, busy dgn kelas..mlm2 ada kelas jgk..td solat terawikh dgn akak2 n abg2 year 5..
ya Allah,suara imam abg year 5 td sangat2 sedap..mendayu2..mcm imam masjid besar dah..
haishh,bila fikir fikir..memang kita as a perempuan nak cari bakal suami yg mcm nie..boleh memimpin kita..boleh jadi pemimpin keluarga..
siapa yg x nak kan..
tp org2 yg baik mcm nie,nak ke kat aku nie...hahaha..
xpelah..wish my amsyar will be someone like 'imam' one day..
that's my hope..doa yg penting..mana tahu Allah buka pintu hati dia..tibe2 jd imam masjid mana2 kan..haha..
barulah terbitnya keluarga bahgia..aaa...aaa.. ( tibe2 nyanyi lagu saujana )

uishh..imam keluarga pilihan..
kau hadoo..kau mampoo..haha..
dapat yg nie,sembelih lembu,kambing,unta,ayam..ape lagi dek gembira sgt..haha..
kalau amsya baca,sorry taw..bukan nak tinggal awak..tp awak buatlah plastic surgery,buat muka mcm husband irma hasmie nie..hahaa..boleh?
okaylah,dah merepak dah aku nie...time to study..td soalan HO seciput je boleh jawab..yang len merepek je lebih..
bye bloggers..jumpa lagi di next post..muah3..haha..( bajet retiss yg x tahu dirinya tidak laku langsung di pasaran )
August 5, 2012
Pengetua Kolej Delima..*gulp*
oh my goodness..
pengetua kolej delima read my blog..
sorry pengetua if i had done anything wrong sejak saya di kolej delima.
i did not mention to hurt your feeling but * tonight..we are younggg* haha!
darah muda..biasalah...
lepas marah dekat blog...
hopefully, afterwards you will be nice to medical students..hehe
kitorg baik je ape..kenapa pengetua suka sinis2 kitorg..hehe..
it's okay..by this september, all of us will be not staying at shah alam anymore..
all of us will move to sg buloh..
anyway,thanks pengetua coz take care of us since two years we've been there :)
pengetua kolej delima read my blog..
sorry pengetua if i had done anything wrong sejak saya di kolej delima.
i did not mention to hurt your feeling but * tonight..we are younggg* haha!
darah muda..biasalah...
lepas marah dekat blog...
hopefully, afterwards you will be nice to medical students..hehe
kitorg baik je ape..kenapa pengetua suka sinis2 kitorg..hehe..
it's okay..by this september, all of us will be not staying at shah alam anymore..
all of us will move to sg buloh..
anyway,thanks pengetua coz take care of us since two years we've been there :)
July 20, 2012
Ramadhan is approaching..
Hyee bloggers...
Its seem a long time i didnt open n update my bloggy..
Firstly,i dont know why my lappy cannot sign in to my blog..sekarang nie pun i update using my ipad..x bestt..x leh upload gamboo..
Maybe dia x nk aku leka sgt depan comp kut...huihui...
Secondly,the clinical world is totally different from preclinical...
More stressful..dulu beria nk masuk clinical years,skrg menangis..
Dulu pergi kelas x yh sibuk2 nk prepare pape,skrg kena baca dulu b4 going to class,otherwise ur lecturer will smashed you at that time..,wahaha..
Sekarang aku posting o&g..and aku rasa department nie yg paling penat other than the other posting...
Tp posting nie teach me a lot lot of things..we learn something new..and semakin byk kebesaran allah yg kita taw..
I have seen 3 normal delivery...2 of them nak melahirkan anak pertama...ya allah,baru aku taw betapa sakitnya ibu ibu kita melahirkan kita..dua kali aku bergenang air mata saw those normal deliveries..
Tp allah itu maha besar...setiap kali si ibu melahirkan anak dia,dia akan lupa mcm mana sakitnya ketika melahirkan anak tu..kalau dia igt setiap detik apa yg terjadi,mmg ramaila yg x nak mengandung lagi lepas give birth anak pertama kan..haha..
Tp lepas je si ibu melahirkan anak dia,nurse akan bg si ibu tgk anak dia n baca bila tarikh dan waktu dia melahirkan anak tu..time tu,ramai ibu2 yg menangis..dgn ak yg kat tepi tu pun sebak jgk..seriously,sebak..
Sebab tu my lecturer selalu nasihat kami..syurga tu di bawah tapak kaki ibu...igt..jgn sesekali menderhaka dekat ibu..and dia ada jugak berpesan,kalau kita wanita tu dah berkahwin,jgn sesekali halang dan dengki pada suami kalau suami nak berbuat baik pada ibunya kerana allah akan jaga ibu kita bg pihak kita..herm,mcm tazkirah dah aku rasa..tapi mmg betul,lecturer tu suka sgt bg tazkirah kat kitorg..hewhew...
Okay,now aku rasa yg tajuk post aku x sesuai pun dgn apa yg aku tulis..huhu..
Right now,im very sad bcoz cannot celebrate first fasting at home..dekat rumah,all my siblings include my granny pun hado sekali taw..sedihhhh,nk balikkk...tp keadaan tidak mengizinkan..such a mess!
Anyway,muslim n muslimat,lets us change ourself to be a better muslim and make our ramadhan this year more meaningful and get blessing from allah..ameen...
June 19, 2012
kenangan NEALSA..
huh..nie group kesayangan aku time kat sekolah menengah dulu..
bila masa pulak lah group nie ditubuhkan kan..haha..time form 4..
kitorg mmg rapat then waktu tgh borak2 time prep tu,terpikir lah nak tubuhkan satu group..
thus,we named our group as nealsa..
nealsa is formed from our own names..
n = najlaa
e = epa
a = ana
l = lat
s = saed
a = amy..
kitorg dulu nak kata nakal,xdelah nakal sgt..xdelah sampai lommpat2 pagar sekolah kan..
just kitorang suke ponteng prep malam..hahha...
best study kat bilik..
tp kat bilik bukan study pun,tidur je keje..x tidur pun borak kan..
haish,kalau igt balik time form 4 dulu.boleh tahan nakal jgk la..
pernah tertangkap dgn ketua blok..pastu terkocoh2 kau lari,menyorok dalam locker..hahaha..
kesian ketua blok..naseb kau laa..haha
kat kelas pulak,kitorg boleh dianggap geng scorer jugek laa..huhu..
tp x semua cikgu yg suka kitorg..x semua especially cikgu-cikgu yg alim-alim cket..
kitorang x kisah cikgu,sebab anak murid kesayangan cikgu tu ada yang lagi teruk daripada kitorang sekarang pun hado..
kenapa 'cikgu2 tu' x suke kitorang? huh..malas nak igt..kalau igt,rasa x suka tu membuak2 dlm diri..
kalau boleh,aku mmg x mahu lagi pergi ke sekolah tu..
aku boleh terima teguran cikgu-cikgu,tp nak tegur tu baek2 cket..jgn penuh dgn kata-kata perlian..
dah la cikgu2 tu antaranya cikg bio aku,cikgu addmath aku,and x lupa cikgu quran & sunnah aku..haha..
selamat semua subject nie okay time spm..kalau tak,terkilan jgek lah kan..
anyway,takpe..yang penting kitorang sekarang berbahagia dengan kehidupan kitorang sekarang..
najla = amek computing engineering kat um
ana & lat = doctor to be..cume lat jauh cket..mesir sana..haha..
saed = dentist to be kat usm
amy = electrical engineering kat aussie...
thanks cikgu coz marah2 kitorang dulu..
at least, ada jgk lah pengalaman yg boleh di igt time sekolah menengah dulu..
x tahu nak ckp itu pengalaman manis atau pahit..tp bg aku, pahit campur masam cket kot..kui3..
aku taw cikgu biology aku stalk2 jugak kitorang..haha..nape cikgu ? nak korek apa lagi...
pernah dia tanya kenape mercury? mercury tu bukan menghakis ke sifatnya..hamboi,MOTIFF sgt kan..
suke hati saya lah..haha..mmg saya suka kikis pun..nak kikis duit cikgu boleh?? hahaha.. : p
xde lagi gambar kitorg berlima..raya tahun nie lat balek malaysia..
nnti kita jumpa okay..huhu..
huh..nie group kesayangan aku time kat sekolah menengah dulu..
bila masa pulak lah group nie ditubuhkan kan..haha..time form 4..
kitorg mmg rapat then waktu tgh borak2 time prep tu,terpikir lah nak tubuhkan satu group..
thus,we named our group as nealsa..
nealsa is formed from our own names..
n = najlaa
e = epa
a = ana
l = lat
s = saed
a = amy..
kitorg dulu nak kata nakal,xdelah nakal sgt..xdelah sampai lommpat2 pagar sekolah kan..
just kitorang suke ponteng prep malam..hahha...
best study kat bilik..
tp kat bilik bukan study pun,tidur je keje..x tidur pun borak kan..
haish,kalau igt balik time form 4 dulu.boleh tahan nakal jgk la..
pernah tertangkap dgn ketua blok..pastu terkocoh2 kau lari,menyorok dalam locker..hahaha..
kesian ketua blok..naseb kau laa..haha
kat kelas pulak,kitorg boleh dianggap geng scorer jugek laa..huhu..
tp x semua cikgu yg suka kitorg..x semua especially cikgu-cikgu yg alim-alim cket..
kitorang x kisah cikgu,sebab anak murid kesayangan cikgu tu ada yang lagi teruk daripada kitorang sekarang pun hado..
kenapa 'cikgu2 tu' x suke kitorang? huh..malas nak igt..kalau igt,rasa x suka tu membuak2 dlm diri..
kalau boleh,aku mmg x mahu lagi pergi ke sekolah tu..
aku boleh terima teguran cikgu-cikgu,tp nak tegur tu baek2 cket..jgn penuh dgn kata-kata perlian..
dah la cikgu2 tu antaranya cikg bio aku,cikgu addmath aku,and x lupa cikgu quran & sunnah aku..haha..
selamat semua subject nie okay time spm..kalau tak,terkilan jgek lah kan..
anyway,takpe..yang penting kitorang sekarang berbahagia dengan kehidupan kitorang sekarang..
najla = amek computing engineering kat um
ana & lat = doctor to be..cume lat jauh cket..mesir sana..haha..
saed = dentist to be kat usm
amy = electrical engineering kat aussie...
thanks cikgu coz marah2 kitorang dulu..
at least, ada jgk lah pengalaman yg boleh di igt time sekolah menengah dulu..
x tahu nak ckp itu pengalaman manis atau pahit..tp bg aku, pahit campur masam cket kot..kui3..
aku taw cikgu biology aku stalk2 jugak kitorang..haha..nape cikgu ? nak korek apa lagi...
pernah dia tanya kenape mercury? mercury tu bukan menghakis ke sifatnya..hamboi,MOTIFF sgt kan..
suke hati saya lah..haha..mmg saya suka kikis pun..nak kikis duit cikgu boleh?? hahaha.. : p
xde lagi gambar kitorg berlima..raya tahun nie lat balek malaysia..
nnti kita jumpa okay..huhu..
June 13, 2012
laugh out loud :D

HAHAHA..sooo truee!!
mmg dalam medic tiada pengiraan langsung..
yang ada pun mungkin ratio nak kira pesakit dan disease..
kalau final sem 2 lagi best kira-kira dia,120/40..hahaha...
itu sahaja soalan math yang keluar for PHPM..kalau x boleh jawab yang nie,tak tahu nak ckap lah kan..
kalau pro exam hari tu,complicated sgt..dah ada kotak berisi numbers,
still x boleh jawab sebab tak tahu nak kira mcm mana..
tekan2 calculator utk sedapkan hati..
asalkan keluar number yg lagi kecik dari numbers dlm kotak tu haa,kira btol lah tu..huihuihui...
aduiii,mmg kepala kitorg more to facts right now..if numbers = zeloo..
sebab tu kena cari engineer,baru lah seimbang..haha..
nie tak,dekat kedai runcit,nak kira balance pun tercungap-cungap,terkebil-kebil pandang akak cashier..
dat's why org kata amek medic nie senang,u just kena baca,paham,hafal n kena pandai relate kan dgn disease org tu..dah..
kalau engineer,tgk buku amsya,,aduiinye punn aii,mmg susah...
dgn physics segala bagai yg mmg dari sekolah dulu aku mmg x pernah minat physics..
aku pun naek hairan bila asasi physics aku A..celah mana yg boleh dpt a x taw..haha..
seriously.physics mmg gila dan merepek bg aku..
bunga api lompat sejauh mana pun nak kira..aishh...complicated..haha!
aish,bytheway,professional exam hari tue baru aku tahu yang langit nie tinggi ke rendah...
baru aku tahu yang medic nie susah sebenarnya..
yela,kena baca balek dr year 1 pny syllybus..
x kena niaya otak namanya tu..huhu..
okaylah,apa pun,don't get mad with us if we calculate the numbers wrongly.haha... :DDD
instagram :)
edit picture using instagram is the easiest wayy..
pilih je nak jenis mana then tekan,siap!!
(pfttt,lately feel very lazy to write)..
bosan gilaa kat rumah..
makan,tidur,ngadap laptop,baca novel,then tertidur balik dengan sengajanya..
June 8, 2012
June 5, 2012
do not be damn bloody stupid G/G just because of LOVE..
dont treat your family like a shit..
plus,it was totally shameful when everyone knew about this..
dont treat your family like a shit..
plus,it was totally shameful when everyone knew about this..
June 2, 2012
alhamdulillah,i got a call from faculty for Advance Medical Science..(AMS) program..
what is AMS? ams is a preparation that done by preclinical students before they are going to take masters..
they learn how to conduct a research,how to deal with people,give a talk in front of many people not just in malaysia but also over sea...but..but..buttock..hehe..i must delay one year of my studies..damnn!!
i dont want to delay,even it is just for one year but it is still quite long for me..huhu..
but there are pros and cons doing ams..
by doing ams,u got double degrees..one degree in bachelor of medicine and the other one is in advance medical science..yes,it's sounds great//and these students that under ams have learnt about 70-75% about conduct a research..so,they have grab the basic things so when they want to do masters,it will be easier..
but,unfortunately,i cant see the pros..hahaha..i just can see the cons..being together with juniors for 3 years..eurghh! such an annoying thing..haha..because i just close with few of them..
so,i agreed,i have made my decision,i dont want to take the AMS program..and i'm sure that many of my friends are interested in it and still want to do the ams..
chaiyyok2,lets start our new chapter at hospital sungai buloh..huhu..
what is AMS? ams is a preparation that done by preclinical students before they are going to take masters..
they learn how to conduct a research,how to deal with people,give a talk in front of many people not just in malaysia but also over sea...but..but..buttock..hehe..i must delay one year of my studies..damnn!!
i dont want to delay,even it is just for one year but it is still quite long for me..huhu..
but there are pros and cons doing ams..
by doing ams,u got double degrees..one degree in bachelor of medicine and the other one is in advance medical science..yes,it's sounds great//and these students that under ams have learnt about 70-75% about conduct a research..so,they have grab the basic things so when they want to do masters,it will be easier..
but,unfortunately,i cant see the pros..hahaha..i just can see the cons..being together with juniors for 3 years..eurghh! such an annoying thing..haha..because i just close with few of them..
so,i agreed,i have made my decision,i dont want to take the AMS program..and i'm sure that many of my friends are interested in it and still want to do the ams..
chaiyyok2,lets start our new chapter at hospital sungai buloh..huhu..
May 23, 2012
kenangan professional exam..
post ini sarat dengan gambar..haha..
feel veryy lazyy to write :P

kwang soo vs jong kook

yeahh..kwang soo berjaya memberi tumbukan percuma kepada jong kook..hahah! tersenyum bangga :D

propaa ~~ haha!

bersidai di luar sebab lecture hall 1 sangat sejuk..rasa mcm kat norway dah =,=

tekun dgr lecturer patho terangkan @,@

sebelum study mukaddimahnye amek gambar dulu :D

stressnye muke awakk..haha..budak paling pandai pun stress,ape lg kitorg..huhu..

lesboo..shayna & bunga..kalau sehari x bergaduh x sah!

release stress dgn menonton midnight movie..huh..balik dah pukul 2 pg..jgn contohi kami..huehue..





kisah di kedai makan :D

yeahh! menang dlm kuiz olympiad anatomy by lecturer anis..haha..

nisa mengilai di lab anat..hoho..

ceriaaa mcm ribena..itu trademark kami..

kami bakal besan..rumah nanti nak sebelah2..senang nak bergossip :P

shayna si mata bulat yg sangat comel..

jgn terkejut..we also have our own organisation..
aku exco hal ehwal dalaman,diplomatik & antarabangsa..
penyampai gosip dari luar dan juga dalam negara..haha..

gambar besan lagi..haha..upload byk2 bg korg muntah..

lastlyy,we are great doctors will be..
May 20, 2012
Mengapa Doktor Bedah Memakai Baju Hijau?
why must green colour? not pink in colour kan? haha..
pink? euww,girlish nyeee mak jemahh!
i got this source from my berita..
pink? euww,girlish nyeee mak jemahh!
i got this source from my berita..
Selalu dalam bilik bedah kita selalu tengok doktor memakai baju hijau semasa bertugas. Kenapa?
Pada mulanya doktor dikatakan memakai warna putih kerana ia warna yang melambangkan kebersihan. Bagaimanapun, seorang doktor yang berpengaruh telah menggantikan warna putih dengan warna hijau kerana menurutnya warna hijau lebih sejuk.
Walaupun sukar dipastikan mengapa warna hijau paling sesuai bagi doktor untuk melihat lebih baik di ruang pembedahan, secara umumnya kerana hijau adalah warna berlawanan dengan warna merah.
Warna hijau dapat menyegarkan mata ahli bedah semasa melihat benda-benda berwarna merah, termasuk organ-organ tubuh yang berlumuran darah ketika pembedahan.
Melihat warna merah secara terus menerus menyebabkan signal warna merah di otak mengurangkan sensiviti terhadap variasi warna merah.
Alasan lainnya adalah, terus-menerus fokus pada warna merah akan menyebabkan pakar bedah kurang memberikan tumpuan dan mengganggu penglihatan doktor.
Jika warna baju-baju pakar bedah berwarna hijau, ilusi ini akan memudar dan tidak akan mengganggu penglihatan doktor.
May 16, 2012
i just bought new i pad..hewhewhew
i pad baru nie best..for those yg nak beli ipad,better you buy the new one terus
because the camera is HD and 5 megapixel compared to normal one is just
1.3 megapixel if i'm not mistaken..
plus,the processor also better..
yg laen tu same je dgn i pad2..
the reasons why i bought ipad are
as SU mesta kena lah up-to-date..huahua..byk benda nak kena buat...too many things to write..so,just use this maa..mane2 pergi pun i can do my job..easy isn't it?
second one aku akan masuk clinical year x lama lagi..insyaallah..so,byk benda that i can search just using my i pad..bawak je pergi hospital..x payah nak bawak laptop yg berat tu..:P
application apple pun best..just try one and i'm sure that you will not reget...hehe
i just bought new i pad..hewhewhew
i pad baru nie best..for those yg nak beli ipad,better you buy the new one terus
because the camera is HD and 5 megapixel compared to normal one is just
1.3 megapixel if i'm not mistaken..
plus,the processor also better..
yg laen tu same je dgn i pad2..
the reasons why i bought ipad are
as SU mesta kena lah up-to-date..huahua..byk benda nak kena buat...too many things to write..so,just use this maa..mane2 pergi pun i can do my job..easy isn't it?
second one aku akan masuk clinical year x lama lagi..insyaallah..so,byk benda that i can search just using my i pad..bawak je pergi hospital..x payah nak bawak laptop yg berat tu..:P
application apple pun best..just try one and i'm sure that you will not reget...hehe
testing its camera..but this one is using front camera so,it is not so sharp..
May 14, 2012
chocolate impairs absorption of calcium
Chocolate contains oxalate — a naturally occurring compound in cocoa beans — which can inhibit the absorption of calcium. Calcium binds to oxalate in your intestines, limiting its absorption into your bloodstream. People with oxalate kidney stones, which could occur when there is too much oxalate in the urine, should limit the amount of oxalate in their diets.
The jury is still out, however, on whether chocolate causes problems for healthy people who eat calcium-rich diets. A 2008 study suggests there might be reason for concern. The study found that elderly women who ate one or more servings of chocolate a day had lower bone density and strength than did women who ate fewer servings of chocolate. Researchers believe this may be due to oxalate inhibiting calcium absorption — but it could also be due to the chocolate's sugar content, which may increase calcium excretion. In addition, chocolate also contains flavonoids, which are thought to be beneficial to health. Further research is needed to fully determine the role chocolate plays in calcium balance and bone strength.
In the meantime, if you get the daily recommended amounts of calcium and vitamin D from food or supplements, and practice weight-bearing exercise, eating chocolate in moderation is unlikely to adversely affect your bone health.
April 29, 2012
if you want to stand for the right thing,just do it in a proper way..
that's all..
that is your choice..you think riot can solve your problem,just go ahead..but do it in a right way..
bayangkan bersih 3.0 pun masuk 9gag..wow..haha..
now,malaysia is well known about this sort of things..
not well known about professor get nobel prize or whatever that is related to academic or economic..
erm..let's settle down this thing..cukup-cukuplah huru harakan negara..
kite just nantikan sambungan mereka yg ke 4,5,6 dan yg x taw bila akan habes..
erm..kepada students2 yg fanatik bagai nak gila tu,cool down babeyh...haha..
pemimpin pny hal kau pulak yg beria kan..baek kau pergi balik,baca buku kat rumah..
kenapa risau sgt pasal ptptn tu? kena bayar 3 % ? erm,dah kau pinjam dgn ptptn,kenalah bayar balik..
cube kau pinjam dgn bank,lagi tinggi bunga dy..erm,so,pilihlah nak mana satu..
so,better study hard..be the best n beat the rest..once you be the best,ramai tawaran datangkat hampa,bukan hampa ygpi dok pinjam dgn org..
penuhkan ilmu di dada,so,people will respect you..if you are dummy or lack of knowledge,
people will look down to you.. :D
that's all..
that is your choice..you think riot can solve your problem,just go ahead..but do it in a right way..
bayangkan bersih 3.0 pun masuk 9gag..wow..haha..
now,malaysia is well known about this sort of things..
not well known about professor get nobel prize or whatever that is related to academic or economic..
erm..let's settle down this thing..cukup-cukuplah huru harakan negara..
kite just nantikan sambungan mereka yg ke 4,5,6 dan yg x taw bila akan habes..
erm..kepada students2 yg fanatik bagai nak gila tu,cool down babeyh...haha..
pemimpin pny hal kau pulak yg beria kan..baek kau pergi balik,baca buku kat rumah..
kenapa risau sgt pasal ptptn tu? kena bayar 3 % ? erm,dah kau pinjam dgn ptptn,kenalah bayar balik..
cube kau pinjam dgn bank,lagi tinggi bunga dy..erm,so,pilihlah nak mana satu..
so,better study hard..be the best n beat the rest..once you be the best,ramai tawaran datangkat hampa,bukan hampa ygpi dok pinjam dgn org..
penuhkan ilmu di dada,so,people will respect you..if you are dummy or lack of knowledge,
people will look down to you.. :D
April 23, 2012
i'm meltingg ~~
thomas mcdonell...
hero in prom :)
he is still cute eventhough has long hair =,=
this guy is so muchh awesome in battleship babe..
i adore u alex hopper..
April 14, 2012
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