December 17, 2011

nice time with my siblings..

pictures speak louder than words..
hahaha..ngantok..baru balek dari maen bowling..3 game..
and as usual the loseeerrr is me! the loser okay..without the loser there is no a just appreciate me..hhahaa..

achik n adik..

sayang..bukan kitorang pny pun..jiran lane sebelah pny..
haha..dorang mantop2..kitorang nie haa,tersipu2 malu nak baling bola coz x sehebat dorang..

uuuuuu..winner tgh beraksii :)

bola colour pink jugak yg kau pilih achik..haha..

mu's fan..kita nak maen bowling nie..bukan g stadium bola..perlu ke pakai baju tuu..haha..

angah..selalu senyum cover..gig burok aku burok ade aku kesah..senyum kalau boleh gusi2 pun nampak..

bila si loser beraksii..
gambor totap hadoo..
perasan pegang bola 13 kg,tp balink bola 7 kg..haha

peneman setia kitorang @ bodyguard kecil..haha

longg.adik nak berakkk..
atoiii,tyme nie jugak dy nak bebe..aku suruh tahan dulu..balik rumah kang baru buang..haha

heeee...kaki ku kecil sekali di situ..

nie je la adik2 yg sanggup layan kerenah kebudak-budakan aku..
dorang more matured than me..hee..

seee..gambor lagi..haha.
kali nie btol2 pny..x tipu..bola 7 kg..huahuahau..

aaaaaaarrghhh..hulk woman..
every time,she didnt get any spare or strike..pity her..
no wonder,just see her muscle..haha..

yeaahhh...we're rock babeyh..
orang sebelah asyik tgk je..ape kena dorang nie..datang nak men bowling ke bargambor..
dahla wat aksi kuat..kononya..padahal baling bola ke longkang jugak..haha

okay,si kecil dah merengek nak balik..dah boring la tuu..

inilah kerja si kecill..
menyusun atur bola..haha..

yes..such a hardworking girl..
start from the first game until the third game.her job is standing there n arrange the balls..haha..

muka riak winner of the games..

last game..
nama pun dah merepek..haha..

that's all..
happy sgt dapat gather ramai2 and hang out together..
lepas nie everyone busy dgn tugas masing2..
me busy preparing for the final..just a few days left..
angah still holiday but at the end of december he'll go back to ulu kinta for new semester..
achik..was chosen to go to the plkn..haha..


syapa said...

achik?? aq pn acik...heheh =P amboii...sonok nau men bolink eh...lwn aq t ae..tgk sape ratu longkang...kehkeh *_*

mercury_gurl said...

HAHAHHA..patotnye dorang kena wat pertandingan ratu longkang kan..confirm kita bole menang..haha

.a n n e f t i n a. said...

haha...awal2 kau dpt 3 je ana...
hahaha :D

senanye ak pon same ngan kau...
O terus...haha ;p